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Posted by rickyracer (IP: on August 16, 1999 at 02:44:40:

In Reply to: Re: Mav 460 conversion posted by rickyracer on August 16, 1999 at 02:36:33:

: : Rickyracer mentioned hydraulic clutch. I've considered this. I'm converting from automatic to manual and have the manual clutch/brake pedal assembly. Does anyone know of a hydraulic cluch/brake assembly
: : that will fit a Maverick? Also, I would like to convert another Maverick to front disc brakes. Will the Maverick/Granada rotors fit
: : current Maverick spindles or do they have to be changed also?

: : The Mav/460 is something that I've wanted to do for years but until my children were grown, I did not have the financial resources.

: : NOTE: I forgot to mention, one Maverick is a '71 and the other is a
: : '72.
: : ANOTHER NOTE: You guys may think that I'm crazy, but I also have a
: : 1987 Thunderbird that I am going to install a
: : 460/4-speed. I have the hydraulic clutch/brake pedal
: : assembly for it. I also have the 460s for both.

: : I'll keep you posted on progress, I plan to start work on the Maverick project in several months and I am still accumulating all the necessary parts (rear ends, radiators, etc.)and...I WILL TAKE AND APPRECIATED ANY AND ALL TIPS and ADVICE!!! Does anyone know of a source for engine
: : conversion motor mounts for the '87 T'bird other than FORD MOTORSPORT?

: : if anyone whats quicker one on one talk email me at:

I keep forgeting the 81, sorry

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