Re: Mustang II trac-loc rear

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Posted by Dan Starnes (IP: on August 23, 1999 at 20:31:38:

In Reply to: Mustang II trac-loc rear posted by Brandon on August 23, 1999 at 20:15:21:

When I ordered my maverick in the fall of 1975 i distinctly remember ordering a traction lok rear with a gear ratio of 3:50. I now think the salesman screwed me as i dont really think mine was, but that doesnt matter now cause i exploded my original rear end in 1977 anyways. Maybe someone knows the real story of this as I have always wondered too.
: Did I hear someone awhile ago say they found an 8" traction lock rear in a Mustang II? I think maybe it was T.L. Do you know what years had that option? What is the ratio? Is it the same width as the Mav 8"? I should be able to tell at the junkyard if both wheels spin the same direction right? I'm getting tired of those embarrasing one-wheel brakestands!
: Thanks

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