Re: Venting ANGER

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Posted by Joe Divito (IP: on April 13, 1999 at 17:21:37:

In Reply to: Venting ANGER posted by Young Mav on April 13, 1999 at 12:54:50:

: I get in my Maverick one fine Sunday afternoon...and what to i see? A crack going down the middle of my dash! ARG! I guess it must have been caused by sun damage or something? Is there anything I can do about this short of finding a new dash? This thing stares at me at all times while I'm driving...a crack in my otherwise excellent interior...
: My interior is brown...if anyone has a brown dash handy...i might keep my sanity...

: Chris


You may also look into a plastic dash pad from the JC Whitney catalog.
Several people on this board (including myself) have used them with
good results. It doesn't take the place of the real thing, but it fits
the original dash so well that, properly painted to match the original
color, you can't tell the difference. Most people seem to like the

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