Re: Synthetic oil

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Posted by Brian on March 06, 1999 at 01:34:11:

In Reply to: Synthetic oil posted by Stefan Thibeault on March 04, 1999 at 21:58:41:

Have an 86 Escort GT (with 186,000 miles), 94 F-150 (96,000 miles)and my 74 Mav. (142,000 miles) I use Valvoline semi synthetic in ALL my vehicles and have used T-Plus, Dura-Lube and Pro-long in my Escort (once each)about every 50,000 miles with absolutley NO harmful effects. (Due to where I have lived, Washington D.C. for one, I have spent more $$ rebuilding the front end of my Escort than on ANY drivetrain failures) The Escort uses about a half of a quart of oil every 1500 miles and still gets about 32 mpg on the highway. I do not intend to change what I am doing, if it aint broke, don't fix it.

: I drive a 1998 Nisan 200sx se-r and I want to switch to synthetic oil. The car presently has 6000 km and I changed the oil at 2000 km, right after the break in period. For my next oil change, I want to go to synthetic, but I dont know what type or if this is the correct time to do it. One guy told me that I should wait for a few thousand more km so the seals could set. Should I wait?
: The type of oil I was told to use is 5w50 but then someone said I should go for 5w30 so it would be easier on the oil pump.

: Currently, i always use 5w30 in winter and 10w30 in summer, so do I have to do the same with synthetic?

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