Re: HEy Stephan

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Posted by Comick on March 07, 1999 at 12:16:45:

In Reply to: Re: HEy Stephan posted by Sam Mangano on March 07, 1999 at 10:56:23:

: I'm with you N8. A login/password would be a pain for us regulars, and would discourage use by genuine newcomers who just have a quick question. Fortunately the "garbage" doesn't happen that often - at least not often enough in my opinion to take stronger measures. As hard as it may be, the best way to discourage the fireworks would be to ignore the offensive messages altogether. We can't stop them from being posted, but we don't have to perpetuate the problem with more meaningless posts. That's just my 2 cents, and worth every penny...

: : :cant you just delete the message, I mean, I expect a certian amount of garbage to get into this other wise good board but I really aint all that big on seeing a login name/password set up take over, hell I have so many logins/passes that I cant keep up with em as it is... It might discourage some people from posting idiot stuff (spam, mustang sally's, ect ect) but it might also discourage other people who are generally interested in mav stuff from posting info.......
: : just a thought :

I agree. As an alternative, I could suggest that the first person who encounters spam simply write a response that says "IGNOR THE ABOVE, IT IS SPAM." or something along those lines.

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