Re: 1971 Maverick

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Posted by T.L. on July 09, 1998 at 00:53:16:

In Reply to: 1971 Maverick posted by Jeff on July 08, 1998 at 22:06:29:

What? Replace that TORQUE monster of a six-cylinder with a wimpy 302? Only an idiot like me would do something like that. But seriously though; It will fit so you don't need to "make it fit". You didn't mention what your original transmission is so I'll assume it's a manual. If it is, you will need to make sure that the driveshaft is the correct length for the C-4 (the one thing I'm not sure of). You will need a V-8 crossmember and V-8 front springs are a good idea unless it's strictly a drag car in which case the six cyl. springs are better. You'll need the proper radiator and transmission cooling lines which you can get from a donor Maverick or else fabricate new ones. You'll need the 302 motor mounts as well. That's the main stuff although you may find a few other 'small' details to deal with. In any case, have fun and let us know how it turns out...

P.S. Sarah, if you're reading this; it doesn't concern you and I don't care what you (or your buddy Jon) think.

: I recently purchased a 71 Maverick with a 250 engine. A friend wants to sell me a 1984 Mustang 302 and C-4 transmission. What will I need to do to make it fit. It also has headers. Any help will be appreicated.

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