Posted by Brandon on August 14, 1998 at 02:58:51:
In Reply to: Re: CA Smog $#!+ posted by T.L. on August 14, 1998 at 00:57:21:
I totally agree. You can't even build a house now without having some Environmentalist trying to stop you because you are destroying the "natural habitat" of a precious weed that may not grow back. So now a guy can't put a 4V carb and headers on his '72 mav because the average global temperature has risen .0001 degree over the last 5,000 years. Meanwhile, the same environmentalists are driving around in their new Chevy Suburbans that get 7 mpg. Anyway, I'm only 16 and I'm already fed up with it. I'm moving to Denmark or something.
: Well ya know what??...You can thank your LIBERAL Democrats for that. Environmentalist Wackos. I care about the environment too but this is ridiculous. The majority of all air pollution comes from industrial factories and commercial trucks; NOT a handfull of old collector cars.So remember that next time you vote!...
: : It really depends on where you live Brandon. I'm in the 'Bay Area' and they commonly set up "Roadside Sniffers" along the freeway (usually at an on ramp...DUH! every car pollutes more when you step on it to merge!) and if it "smells" a "dirty" car it takes a photo and you get a nice "invitation" (GAG,COUGH) to have your "gross polluter" examined. It has caused a big political stink (pun intended!) between Us and Them*.
: : *Us= enthusiasts Them= car haters
: : : I live in California too and I didn't know they could do random inspections. Guess I better be a little more careful with my upgrading.
: : : : Hey gang!
: : : : I'm looking for an aluminum 4V EGR spacer for my 'Hot Rod'. I'm currently running a 'factory' cast iron type but it's not working too well between my Performer RPM and my AFB, starts to leak about every six weeks or so...Thanks in advance!!!
: : : : P.S. Before you all start askin' What the #&!! for... I live in California, and it's gotta be there to be legal (smog laws here have changed = no smog for me but random inspections can happen if Big Bro wants to!)