Re: New Dash Board

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Posted by Sam Mangano on August 16, 1998 at 11:07:00:

In Reply to: Re: New Dash Board posted by T.L. on August 16, 1998 at 00:58:28:

: What about the VIN tag??...

Drill out the rivets, put in the original VIN tag, install new rivets and paint the heads black to match the old ones - no one will ever know...

: : Yeech, that's gonna be next to impossible! The windshield seal (rubber) obscures the bolts and there's only about 1/2" (or less) clearance down there between the glass and dash. It's not too difficult to remove the windshield without breaking it (takes a little time and patience along with a good razor/utility knife). A new seal isn't that costly, and with a little help from a friend or two (and more time and patience along with some twine) the windshield can be put back without breaking.
: : : I got an entire mint condition interior ('cept for the headliner which was ripped) from a donar car. To get the dash board out we smashed the windshield to get at the bolts.

: : : How do I get my old one out without removing the wind shield, as I can't afford a new one if it breaks.

: : : Craig

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