Posted by Jay (IP: on September 12, 1999 at 00:44:25:
I just wanted to say that all of the people on this message board are great.... Always helpful and considerate to others. AMAZING!!!!
I've posted as well as responded to postings a bit lately. Get the latest gossip, to give info, but as of late i've just been browsing, getting pointers as well as the occasional good laugh.
Now on to BUSINESS!
I have two 71 mavs, (1) Shoddy body- Strong 302- 52k org miles
(2) Perfect overall- but, 200- 3 on tree- 32k org.mi
My problem is i'm not sure what to do as far as motor swap or just leave well enough alone. What i'm asking is what would "YOU GUYS/GALS" do?
Would you leave the 200 original (don't f**k with it) and just scrounge around for parts to bring the 302 back to respectability or what..???
Throw me a fricken' bone here okay... :oP
Thanks in advance,