Posted by Mark (IP: on September 15, 1999 at 12:47:05:
In Reply to: Paulie is right! posted by Butch on September 14, 1999 at 12:32:14: have to remember. These cars were driven by everyone. Sometimes, people thing they can load their entire house into the back seat if it will fit, then air up the shock to even out the rid. Of course, you all know that this then takes all the weight off of the springs, and down onto that thin sheet metal. This probably is one of the attributing factors. Either that, or the car might have been driven down lots of dirt roads. The constant vibration from the bumps in the road (something like wheel hop) would just about rattle your teeth out if you were connected directly to the body/frame.
: What Paulie said about her Alice is correct. Neither one of my cars with damage to the mounts has any rust in that area. As a matter of fact, I bought the newest one specifically because it had not rust anywhere! One of them did have air shocks (the parts car) and the other did not.
: As to engine size - I assumed (which we should never do) that wheel hop would put tremendous stress on the shock mounts. The rest of you have a advantage over me, however, because I have never actually driven any of my mavs, only been working on them. I have however, been driving fords since before many of you were born. That experience included problems with wheel hop. If that is not a problem then so be it. I greatly appreciate the advice given so far and any given in the future.