Re: Get a life!

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Posted by Brandon on February 25, 1999 at 15:28:44:

In Reply to: Get a life! posted by Mustang Sally on February 25, 1999 at 02:11:02:

I have people come to the place I work and say, "Who owns that Maverick our there?" I've seen a lot of Mustangs that are cleaner than my Maverick but since EVERYONE has a Mustang, people don't even notice them. Sounds to me like a Maverick is just what you need to get the attention you're obviously looking for!

: Man, you people are fucking pathetic! Maverick page indeed! You should all junk your sorry-ass second-rate wanna-be bread-getters and get a real Ford: A Mustang! What a bunch of losers!

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