Posted by Sparks on January 27, 1999 at 12:24:23:
In Reply to: Adjust the Choke. posted by TBR on January 27, 1999 at 12:06:17:
: : #1 and #5 were switched. It must have been that way for a while, because it never ran this smooth. Now I can get to work tuning it. Any advice on smoothing out the starts? I'm getting black smoke now, and untill it warms up it feels like it is "skipping".
: : '73 302 V8
: : : #1 is the one closest to the battery going back to the fire wall is 2,3&4, thats the pasanger side, on the drivers side closest to the front is the #5 going back to the firewall is 6,7&8 hope that helps. Also the distributor cap should be marked with the #1 and the order is counter clockwise 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8.
: : : : I must be making this hard on myself.
: : : : I used the "one at a time" method when changing the plugs and wires, but that doesen't mean they were right to begin with.
: : : : I appreciate the firing order info. Now, how are the cylinders numbered? I want to make sure I get this info from the Maverick board.
: : : : May seem like a stupid question, but my last mav was a straight 6, and the only other engine I work on is a 2 cyl bike.
: : : : : Route the #7 and #8 plug wires as far away from each other as possible (not side by side). This will ensure there is no "crossfire" between these consecutively firing cylinders! (1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8, and YES I do know it by heart!!! ;-)
: : : : : : A '73 Maverick 302 uses a Motorcraft BRF-42 plug, although other brands may use a different part number. These should be easy to cross-reference in the book at the parts store. Are you SURE you have the correct firing order. Check it again, it shouldn't be backfiring...
: : : : :
: : : : : :
: : : : : : : I decided to start over again from the beginning and retrace my steps. Spark plugs are cheap so I went to buy 6 more(had 2 new). I had just bought a straight replacement for the one in my hand last time. It never occured to me to do what I always do in carpentry NEVER trust the last worker's measurements. The ones I bought today (all 8) are autolite 45's.
: : : : : : : The ones in the engine now are 46's. I hope that this has been my problem all along. It seems the last mechanic used what he had and then decreased the gap. I'll post an update on Monday.
: : : : : : : 1973 302 V8 2bbl. Any further comments on the plug situation? T.L. what do you think? Could this be the culprit(s)?
: : : : : : : BTW, I did cap off the EGR valve and its related vacuum hose.Removing the valve is a little more involved that I can do right now. I did not notice any change, but I'm hoping the plug change will allow me to move on to better things.