Posted by Sparks on January 28, 1999 at 09:03:27:
In Reply to: Wait a minute I have made six convertable Mustangs posted by Mark on January 28, 1999 at 05:32:42:
Be sure to take plenty of pictures berore, during, and after. Take accurate measurements and notes. I'll bet more than one owner will be interested in the conversion. I'll bet you could get a college to film this for a project. then it's on to PBS for another edition of
"This Old Maverick"
: OK guys I am a bit crazy. First my father and uncle
: own a full service body shop. My brother is an I-CAR
: instructor. I admit that I work with the PC, accounting
: and management end but I have the Degree. Anyway we have
: chopped the tops off of six Mustangs. OK so there were
: convertables around for parts and as a blueprint. We just
: have a couple of old mavs in the lot to play with. Dolling
: up one for my son or one of my brothers kids is a lot
: cheaper than a new car payment.
: We decided on making a fiberglass removable hardtop. We will
: be using plexiglass for the rear and back seat side windows.
: This specs out to a bit over a grand when you factor in the
: materials and labor. Since we will use the car for advertising
: the cost is offset. Expect pics in september.