Re: Book

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Posted by Kelly on January 30, 1999 at 08:49:07:

In Reply to: Re: Book posted by T.L. on January 30, 1999 at 01:45:16:

It is a 69.5 bought in Middle Georgia in June of 1969 and as far as I know my father in law who bought it new never had anything changed on it. Thanks
: Unplug the vacuum line that goes into the center of the vacuum advance module (not the one in the side). it should be unplugged ONLY when setting the initial timing, and then plugged back in. This prevents the vacuum advance from affecting the mechanical advance when setting initial timing for a more accurate reading. BTW--What year is your car? Is it a California car? My '73 came with a single diaphragm vacuum advance (which is all you really need)...

: : I am using an old 70 Chiltons Book and the Carb is a Carter YF-1. I have a dual advance distributor No air or power anything. I am not sure if the rough running is because the air mixture is off or if the choke is set wrong, the index mark on the choke appears correct so I want to adjust everything hot then start it up cold on another day and see if that fixes the initial rough idle with the choke/fast idle engaged. My thought is Clean the plugs and reset them with it cold, hook up a tac/dwell meter and let the engine heat up, turn the headlights on high beam as the book says but then which of the vacuum lines do I plug/unplug etc. After the idle speed is set adjust the air/fuel mix then go to the timing and dwell. Should the vacuum lines stay pluged/unplugged until idle/mixture/timing/dwell are all set or at some point should they be plugged back in? Any assistance / advise would be appreicated..Kelly

: :
: : : What book are you using? I just received my Chilton yesterday, and would be happy to copy and send you some pages. What model of carb is on there now?

: : : : As stated before I am a shade tree mechanic and it has been many many (we will leave it at 2 many) years since I have done tach/dwell/carb adjustments. I had my 200-6 rebuilt and put a new carb on it and in about 900 miles with just the standard 1.5 turns out on the carb and a Listentament on idle speed with timing set on just the guesstament of idle speed it has fouled out the plugs. I am going to buy a tach/dwell meter to go with my timeing light but honestly cant remember little things like which vacuum lines to plug/undo etc. When I start her up cold she initially smokes one puff out then fast idles a little rough then smooths out with fast idle until I kick the pedle to release it. I have had people behind me that say just riding around town it dont smoke so I am hoping that the puff of smoke is maybe the valve seals just havnt had time to seal or it could be carb smoke combined. I know the book says set everything with the engine warm and the headlights on highbeam but I would love a step by step on set choke by--- start engine to warm up then set idle speed with vacuum lines---......any takers on walking me thru it step by step. I feel the choke is off since it is running rough for the first couple of minutes then smooths out, I know its idled to high and I need them right to set dwell/timing etc. Also whats the general opinion on the standard motorcraft plugs vs bosch plugs. This is a 200 - 6 in a 69.5 3 on the colum shifter without air, power anything. Just your base base basic car... Thanks Kelly

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