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Posted by N8 on February 02, 1999 at 19:52:52:

In Reply to: Get a Summit, Jegs, or P.A.W. Catalog posted by Stang65 on February 02, 1999 at 14:12:04:

Find a new mechanic ASAP!!!!!

: my brother bought a B&M flexplate for about $50 for his SBF out of a Summit Catalog. I think ford made 3 different variations, one with 157 teeth and a small torque converter bolt pattern, one with a large bolt pattern, and a 164 tooth with large bolt pattern. But it think they sell all 3. I might be wrong. You can change it yourself and save $$$ too, just don't let the torque converter fall out! My bro is 16, and he's done it 4 times (transmission problems). The hardest part is taking out the 6 bellhousing bolts.

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