Re: Shifting Problem

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Posted by Brian on February 03, 1999 at 22:14:41:

In Reply to: Shifting Problem posted by Matt S. on February 03, 1999 at 10:18:34:

Did the car sit for a prolonged period of time before you started driving it? Reason I ask is I had a '78 (God forgive me) Pinto that sat for a year before I bought it, with the same problem. I my case the tranny shop told me the seals had hardend so when it was cold, it didn't want to go into any gear. Once it warmed up it went in gear just fine. For $135.00 they replaced all the seals inside (at least that is what was told to me) and adjusted everything that needed it. Good luck.

: I have an automatic '73 I6 250 Mav and when I start her up cold she doesn't seem to want to slip into second gear. First gear revs so hard it sounds like she's going to blow and finally after a few blocks, it pops into second and about gives me whiplash. The same happens for third gear. I have checked the fluid and there is plenty in there. Does anyone out there know what this might be? Thanks for any input.

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