Posted by T.L. on February 08, 1999 at 22:51:03:
In Reply to: Re: Maverick Discrimination? posted by Comick on February 08, 1999 at 00:37:49:
: : I got home from work on Saturday at about 11pm and decided to make a quick run to am/pm to get a soda. On the way up the steep and curvy road I passed a cop which was no big deal since I was only going 40 in a 45. I got to the top of the hill and out of nowhere a white honda came up on my ass doing about 70. On the way down the other side of the hill, I saw the cop file in behind both of us and I was hoping he would get this guy behind me for tailgating. The honda turned off on a sidestreet and the cop followed me a ways and turned on his lights. I pulled over and he said he pulled me over because I had passed them going really fast. I corrected him and gave him my story about the honda behind me. Where the honda passed the cop was actually south of my driveway and I had pulled out going north so that got me off the hook. He said he had to choose between pulling over the white honda or my white Maverick. I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or what. :-) Anyway, I'm not doing too bad. That was the first time I've ever been pulled over. Not bad for a 16 year old with a 302.
: Actually, it is kind of an insult. I was racing a Porche up I-5 in my old 1980 Subaru (don't ask) in the middle of nowhere and got pulled over. The cop told me that they sometimes pull over the more "low-rent" looking car because they are hoping to find drugs. By the way, he clocked me at 110 mph.