Re: Water leak into interior & Rear View Mirror.

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Posted by Brian on November 22, 1998 at 22:26:40:

In Reply to: Re: Water leak into interior & Rear View Mirror. posted by Craig Selvey on November 22, 1998 at 19:40:18:

Craig, the cowl vents on my '74 were sealed when I got my car. (sealed with plexiglass and RTV) Been afraid to unseal them fearing they may be leaking. How can they be fixed if they do leak??

: The leak? The only thing it can be......the cowl vents. You say you have it sealed, but with what? and how well? It has to be the cowl vents.

: ========================================
: : I've been trying to find the cause of a water leak into the interior of the car. It seems to come from under the dash on both sides. The heater core is not hooked up so I'm pretty sure that's not it. The grilled opening that resides between hood and windshield has been covered over and appears secure. I've sealed the windshield and trim so I'm pretty sure it isn't coming from there either. The firewall looks good. I know the door seals leak some but didn't think they leaked that much, besides I've seen the water coming from under the dash near the parking brake. I'm at a loss as to where this water could be getting in at.

: : I'm also having problems with the rear view mirror. It keep falling off. The last time I made sure I followed the directions completely even to the point of waiting about 2-3 months for the weather to cool down so the temp would be between 70-40 degrees as the package said. Once again it has fallen off. Do any of you know of anything I can try to keep this blasted thing on? I've thought of drilling a hole and bolting it on but decided against for obvious reasons. :-)

: : Thanks
: : Steve

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