Re: C-4 and first gear

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Posted by David Blodgett on November 27, 1998 at 01:37:21:

In Reply to: C-4 and first gear posted by Brandon on November 25, 1998 at 18:34:36:

The downshift into first should actually be around 10mph, but the fact that it doesn't downshift until you slow to a certain speed is how automatic trannies work. The term manual first doesn't mean it will shift like a manual tranny. That's so you don't downshift and mess up the engine or trans. If you're going to fast when you downshiftyou could redline the engine, or cause the clutch packs in the tranny to slip by putting too much stress on them thus "burning" the friction plates in the clutch. There are companies that sell shift kits which allow you to downshift at any RPM by modifying the flow of fluid through the automatic valve body. If you intend to install one of these, you should probably rebuild the tranny and use aftermarket clutch plates.

: When I shift my tranny into manual first(1), it won't go in until I come to a COMPLETE stop. Also it won't go into manual second(2) until I drop below 45mph. Tranny seems fine otherwise. Car is a '72 302 by the way.
: Thanks

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