Re: Found 'em!!!

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Posted by Brandon on November 28, 1998 at 21:12:46:

In Reply to: Found 'em!!! posted by Paulie on November 28, 1998 at 19:47:53:

JC Whitney sells new leaf springs for Mavericks and Comets. You can get the springs in the original 3 leaf or the H.D. 4 leaf. They are about $55 each.
(3 leaf) 96KP7576XF
(4 leaf) 97KP7891RF
(312) 431-5625

: After Alice decided she wanted her voltage regulator replaced I had to do a lot of hunting for the $%#@! wire harness... seems like a lot of the two bit parts places don't carry them... Well, I found a parts store that had a more "practical selection" of car parts and the had both varieties of the "helper springs" that were suggested before... I've decided to "go for it"... when I have a bit of the spare again... not only are they more practical than air shocks and they are no where near as ugly as those "shakles", they are remarkably inexpensive. Only 25$ for the pair! A much cheaper alternative then getting the springs redone... (I called around, trying to find a place that would actually even consider doing them was a joke in and of itself...) Best price I got was around $900!!!!
: Errr.... I think engine/tranny combo will come before re arcing the springs... (and that's a year or two away!!)

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