Posted by T.L. on December 13, 1998 at 02:56:18:
In Reply to: Re: Beauty for sale posted by Matt Kreps on December 12, 1998 at 23:56:18:
Inflation? The correct word is DEPRECIATION and not only that, it needs a carburetor and armrest/handles. The car was $1995 NEW and you actually think it's gone UP in value? It's not a highly collectable car such as the Mustang you mentioned. If your Maverick is worth $2750, then my '73 is worth at least $20,000. It's loaded compared to yours and also has a MINT interior...
: Hey, the car is in great shape after 28 years and, with inflation rates and all that, the original price is actually more like a sixth of what you would pay today. ( I deal in economics, what can I say...)
: I'm always surprised when people try to use a value book value or talk about age to decrease a price on a well-preserved commodity. I wouldn't nlink twice at paying 5,000 for Mustang fastback in good condition. It's blue value is a lot less.
: (Although if I had 5,000 around I'd just keep my Maverick!)
: I'm pretty firm on the upper to mid $2,000 ranges. It's a good car and needs an owner who will appreciate a classic beast.
: Matt