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Posted by N8 on December 14, 1998 at 18:43:27:

In Reply to: 302 questions posted by justin on December 14, 1998 at 15:04:22:

it is a royal pain in the butt (as well as very expensive ) to stroke a motor.... especialy when your only gettin 347 ci outta it... a 351C is just as strong as your stroker would be and it is MUCH easier to get parts for ... plus a stroker is built for racing (thus high maintiance)
if you were to take a 351 block, put some built up 302 heads on it...... hardened seats, stiff springs, ported and polished, ect ect.... you can eat the big blocks with out really straining your right foot...
just a thought ............. good luck with your power plant....
keep us informed

: i am just about to start building my 70 302 to put into my 74 maverick and have a few questions. what would make more horse power and torque a 347 stroker or a long rod 302 (with chevy 400 c-rods) i plan on using kb pistons for either one i choose. also i know where to get the crank for the 347 and the pistons but not the 5.4" rods. if anyone has any information for me it would be greatly appreciated

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