Posted by Stefan Thibeault on December 27, 1998 at 01:04:03:
In Reply to: Bragging rights! (not car related totally) posted by Paulie on December 26, 1998 at 23:45:21:
: I just got my grades from school today... (In case you didn't know, I'm going to the Art institute of Seattle to get my degree in 3D animation)... well, I scored a 3.5 GPA!!!!
: WHA!!!! Not only does this assure my continued financial aid BUT it also gives me a "merit grant" of $300 a quarter!!! Part of it HAS to go to supplies but I think a good chunk of change'll buy something nice for Alice...
: Ah, I'm sure her "Maverick Money Detector" (MMD, ALL Mavericks have them built in) will go off as soon as I get it....
Congrats on the GPA! What software do you use for the anim?