No leak's

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Posted by TParker on December 31, 1998 at 17:25:14:

In Reply to: Re: Cracked posted by T.L. on December 31, 1998 at 16:26:27:

I beg to differ, I have a Crome thermestat housing on my 302 and it does not leak, although it is one with o-rings. I know the ones that use the standard gaskets do leak...

: If you're talking about the thermostat housing, they are available from your local parts store and they're pretty cheap. Get the stock cast aluminum one because those fancy chrome ones warp and leak...

: : The housing cracked around the lower bolt when I took it off.
: : I cant even get the old bolt back in to keep the fluid in to drive it home.

: : : On the way to work I blew a Heater hose. Replaced it in the parking lot.While it is snowing.
: : : It is still spewing steam out of the radiator overflow after it warms up. I'm going to talk someone into
: : : taking me to the store for a thermostat. If this does not work, and the head gasket is blown, I'm looking
: : : for a cliff.

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