Posted by T.L. on January 05, 1999 at 23:23:36:
In Reply to: Plugs & wires posted by Sparks on January 05, 1999 at 13:36:31:
MSD MSD and M S D are the B E S T !!!!
: The paperwork I inherited states the last tune up was 7/31/1997.
: Now that I am out of the shop,(water pump, thermstat, housing, hoses)
: my wallet is lighter, but the cold starts are rough. It is probably time
: to replace the plugs and wires, since they look like the cheapest avail
: were used last time.
: This is one I'm sure everyone will have some input.
: 302 V8. What brand plugs and wires do you recommend and why?
: (I'm leaving the dist& etc. alone, as I will convert to electronic this
: spring.)