Re: Rear End

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Posted by Mike on January 06, 1999 at 10:42:04:

In Reply to: Re: Rear End posted by T.L. on January 06, 1999 at 01:12:54:

I had an 8 inch that cmae in my 72 that was equipped with 9" drum brakes with four lugs. Yes it was a non-intergral carrier.

: It's a 2.79:1 gear ratio. If it's got 4-lugs, it's a 7.5-inch carrier type diff. If it has 5-lugs, it's an 8-inch removable carrier type. BTW--the 8-inch Ford rearend, although not as strong as a 9-inch, is actually stronger than a GM 10-bolt. And the 9-inch is stronger than the GM 12-bolt...

: : The tag on my rear end has the code WDW - M OKC
: : 2.79 8 510A

: : Could someone tell me what all this means?

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