MY mav on the silver screen

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Posted by N8 on January 09, 1999 at 13:11:09:

Ok OK its not really MY mav but it is a spitting image of my first car "The Turd"
the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" shows the two idiots driving around in the begginning of the movie in a sadly beat up 1970 mav 2 door.
'cept for the white hood the car is a dead ringer for the turd (which BTW is still in the same junkyard waitng for "El Crusho" to put it to rest)
heck the car has the primer spots and dents almost to the T!.. it even smokes and roars like the turd did!
Kinda funny seeing my car run the streets on the big screen.
Im gonna post a picture of my mav's on my homepage and I'll let you folks know when they're up.

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