Posted by Craig Selvey on October 03, 1998 at 09:49:58:
In Reply to: 250 six posted by Chris on October 02, 1998 at 23:19:17:
If nmy memory serves me correctly, I beleive a 1970 250-6 has about 150 hp. I'm not sure about torque anf rpm though.
I do believe that externally the engines are the same for bolting up alternator, power steering, AC, etc.
: was hoping one of you maverick guys could clue me in
: as to a few specs of the '70 250 six cylinder. would
: like to know the output (hp and torque, and RPMs), and
: if the engine is, in fact, externally identical to the
: 200. I'm looking into getting one to replace the 200
: in a '65 mustang. any help would be appreciated.