Re: not running right

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Posted by Bill Shepherd (IP: on December 08, 1999 at 08:45:12:

In Reply to: not running right posted by Paul Masson on December 07, 1999 at 21:11:44:

: Hi Guys, I own a 1977 4Dr Mav with 200cid . I have had it since 1994 and
: have been running it for the past two summers. A couple of months ago,
: I ran into trouble with my fuel filter plugging up and the engine dieing
: out at highway speeds. I remedied the problem (or so I thought) with
: a tank and all other fuel components and enjoyed trouble-free driving
: for less than a week, when all of a sudden the car went into surging one
: night after work. I barely made it home at 45 mph on the highway!
: Anyway, that night was really wet so I figured it might have something to
: do with the ignition parts. I still have the same problem, but even worse
: now. The car won't even make it around the block and up the hill without
: sputtering and stalling out. The weird thing is that it will start right
: up and idle fine for what seems like forever, but I can't drive it!

: Here is a list of all the things I have done:
: -Brand new Gas Tank
: -Rebuilt Sending Unit
: -New 5/16 fuel line (front to back)
: -New Fuel Pump
: -New in-line filter before pump
: -New filter at carb
: -Rebuilt Carter 1bbl (EODE - HA)
: -Head Gasket, Seals, Etc
: -New Pick-up Coil for Distributor
: -New Ignition Module
: -New Cap, Rotor, Plugs and Wires
: -New Coil
: -New Timing Chain and Gears
: -Vaccum Advance OK

: I have never been so frustrated with this car as I am at this time.
: If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please let me know. I work
: at a local garage (Canadian Tire) and have all the mechanics there
: stumped, although they havent seen the car yet. When the car dies out
: you can floorit, leave it alone, pump the gas, but it only comes back on
: it's own. There is no backfiring, no weird smells, no smoke, it just dies;
: and once it dies, forget about going anywhere, because it took me 15 min
: to get up my hill last night (125 ft).

: Any and All assistance would be gratefully appreciated.

: Paul Masson
: A.K.A. FRDMAN (read Fordman)
:::: Hi Paul, check the EGR valve. I had a simular problem on an S-10 replaced the same things asyou before I checked the EGR. Bill

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