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Posted by Charlie (IP: on December 08, 1999 at 23:21:50:

In Reply to: This won't help, but it amazed me. posted by Michael Haertel on December 08, 1999 at 22:13:17:

In the junkyard I got a mint rear selt belt set out of a '71. Still in the sleeves from Ford. -CP

: When I got my mav, I vacumed the car. When I pulled the back seat out. I found all 3 seatbelt pairs in perfect shape, still in the plastic from the ford plant. They have never once been used in 29 years. I still can't believe that.

: : The only thing that will fit right are another set from a junk car. Sunday I'm going to a yard that has a big bumper 4 dr to get the V8 mounts. If you like I can check out the condition of the belts. I figure you only need the retract side

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