Just the facts from Craig

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Posted by Craig Selvey (IP: on December 17, 1999 at 18:09:02:

In Reply to: Email Craig he's registering all '70's and 69's posted by TParker on December 17, 1999 at 13:39:17:

I am only registering 1970 Grabber's Only. I know Mark Gustavson has a register for 1969 1/2 cars.

According to my records, 1970 Mavericks were only made in two plants.....Kansas City AND St Thomas in Ontario, Canada. Irregardless, if your car was made 7/69, there is no way it could be the 30th Maverick ever made.

: He might be able to give you the order you car falls under. Also it's almost imposible to find out if yours was the 30th car do to the fact that Ford made mavericks at 5 different plants at the same time and on the same production lines as 4 other models, which use the same sequencial numbers off of the assembly line. Which is based on a yearly sequence that starts in September of the previous year. So for your Maverick to have been the 30th one built it would have had to have been produce in December '68 or January '69 in Kansas City(where production got tooled up first) and it would have a production # like 101000, which would put it in the First 1000 cars off the line for the year '69 and if you split the first 1000 cars of the line by 4( 4 different models) the closes you can come to being #30 is the first 250 Maverick ever made. So If some one has a '69 Maverick with a production date of December '68 or January '69 from Kansas City and the last 6#'s on the VIN are 101000 or less then I would say that they have one of the Fist Maverick ever made. I believe the next closes would be a car from the Canadian plant, then San Jose, then I don't know. Because KC started production December '68, Canada was January '69 and San Jose was January '69. They all had cars out to the show room by April '69 for a mid year release.

: : I have a 70 mav made in 7/69. Anyone know if there is a way to tell what 'number' or rank in which the car was made? I bought it from the original owner who claims that it was the 30th one made. I'm not sure I believe him! I'd appreciate any feedback.

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