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Posted by Mavman (IP: on December 28, 1999 at 18:58:09:

In Reply to: Master Cyl lines posted by Charlie on December 26, 1999 at 21:10:01:

Okay....that's what TL suggested, but didn't say anything about cutting anything. So you, and he, are saying that I need to cut the tips off the stock tubes, swap the fittings, then reflare? That's what I'm getting outta this.

I thought when you changed over the front to discs that you needed everything from the Master Cylinder down, and then also needed a new master cylinder. I can deal with cutting and reflaring though.

THANKS....both of you!!!

: Yes the line fittings are opposite, I used a double flare tool to cut them off and reflare. If you can get disc lines, it'd probably be easier to do so. As for the "swaying," sounds like something in the suspension is loose or worn. Probably the front somewhere. -CP

: : What kind of advantage will I get outta "NEW" 4 leaf springs?

: : When I step on the brakes, the car sways back and forth. Something that seems like "Rear Steer"??? I have done a complete brake job, except for the Master Cylinder, which I picked up Friday(Disc Brake Master). This brings another question...the car has stock front drums. The 73 came with a 6 cyl, but now has my 289. I looked at the fittings on the original master cylinder, and they are opposite those on the disc master cylinder. Do I need to get the lines from the prop valve to the master cylinder off of a front disc car? I do plan on changing over to front disc, but not yet. Any help, or suggestions would be appreciated!!!

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