Oil out the fill tube...

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Posted by Mavman (IP: on February 13, 2000 at 05:30:20:

In Reply to: Re: a couple "minor" problems... posted by rickyracer on February 13, 2000 at 03:49:26:

: :first off you need new headers, welding will fix it for a short time then it'll be back worst soon. sounds like you have either broken some rings or burned a piston. It's pumping the cylinder pressure dowm into the crankcase blowing your oil out. Your linkage, you'll just have to get creative with it.

: I am new to this forum, but from what I have read it is killer.
: : I hope to be a " regular" here from now on. I have 2/72 2 door Mav's.
: : 1 ia a 250/auto, and the other is a 289/toploader, I am having a
: : problem getting the clutch pedal to come back up while turning and
: : releasing the clutch at the same time in the 289/4. The clutch linkage
: : and return spring seem to be interferring with the steering assy. Has
: : anyone ever encountered this problem before. Also, The 289 was just
: : supposedly rebuilt by the guy I bought it from, but he went to jail and
: : now I am having a a problem of smoke coming out of the the oil fill
: : hole. Does this mean I have a bad cyl. or something?, the car seems to
: : be running fine for now, I just don't want to damage it. It is a 65
: : Mustang motor. If any of you guys can help me with these problems, I
: : would be very greatful. Oh yeah, one more thing. I have a very small
: : hole in one of my headers, not even as big as a pencil, any way to
: : pemanently fix this? (A weld possibly).
: : Thanx again,
: : Mike

Had the same trouble with mine resently after adding some "Restore". Oil pressure went up to 60, then leveled to 35-40, but it started blowing smoke out, and running rough. I changed the PCV valve, and ran it for a while. Back to normal now, but the oil pressure is still up.

Hope this helps. Also, might make sure that there is a hose from the PCV valve to the bottom of the carb on one valve cover, and another hose going from the opposite valve cover into the air breather. Equalizes the pressure. At least so I was told.

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