Posted by Charlie (IP: on January 08, 2000 at 21:01:17:
In Reply to: FAQ posted by Rudy D on January 08, 2000 at 20:38:29:
Someone has this information, I don't think it is on a specific site. The heater knobs pull off, the heater control "panel" prys off, it sucks and you'll probably break the tabs off it when taking it off. Just be real smooth and careful and maybe you won't.
Do you mean the metal part of the dash, as in, the entire dash? I am sure there are some bolts behind it going into the firewall. You will probably have to remove the heater box if this is the case. -CP
: Where did the article about how to take off the dash pad off go? I am doing that right now and am having trouble with a few things.
: 1. Where do I find the asshole that designed this.
: 2. I cant get the little controls on the heater control off.
: 3. I found a plug above the package tray that I have no clue what it goes to (It wasn't pluged into anything when I drove in to the garage)it is designed like this -_-
: I have the spedometer off and I took the package tray off for ease of getting under there. It is a 70 mav if that matters. I am also takeing off the dash under the dash. I dont know what else to call it. The part that has the maverick embelem on it. Are there any bolts hidden in the back part of it? I think my vocabulary has doubled in the last 4 hours