Posted by T.L. (IP: on July 04, 2000 at 10:52:29:
In Reply to: Ok... posted by Charlie on July 03, 2000 at 22:44:25:
It all depends on the length of the master cylinder rod...The pedals are DEFINITELY different...I've been through all that grief already. Every Maverick DISC master cylinder I have bought came with 2 rods but even the shorter of the two was too long...I ended up using a rod from a drum master cyl. on the disc unit. Maybe the Granada master cylinder has a shorter rod (I don't know what the part numbers are) and should be reccomended for the swap (???)...
: So you guys determined that that is the reason for the high brake pedal? The reason I said that is because I don't have the high pedal problem.. and I didn't change my pedal assembly. I did use a Granada master cylinder, but I was under the impression they are the same part number as the Mavericks.. Either way, could you just use a shorter rod? Fill me in here TL, it sounds like you have compared the two. -CP
: : you will have to use a shorter rod on the master cylinder if you keep the stock pedal or it will be WAAY too high with the disc brake master cylinder. If you use the disc brake pedal, it will have to be machined for the plastic bushings to fit...