What kind of shifter should I put in my 73??

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Posted by Jeri (IP: on June 01, 2000 at 21:46:38:

Hi everyone,

The other day my shift knob for my car broke and I went to replace it
and found out that I need a whole new shift kit. I have been looking but
since I am new to the whole classic car thing I was wondering what kind
of shift kit is good for my car. I have 3speed auto on the floor and its
a V-8. I have been looking at Hurst and B&M, are these good and is $137.00
for the part a good price? Also how long will it take someone to put the
shift kit in cause we all know that labor is like $60 and hour and I dont
want to get jacked because they think I'm and girl. Thanks!

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