Re: Getting hot....again

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Posted by Cowboy (IP: on June 04, 2000 at 14:26:12:

In Reply to: Getting hot....again posted by Mavman on June 04, 2000 at 13:07:22:

I had close to the same problem with my mav 2yrs ago, it turned out that the radiator was about 30% clogged. When the rad shop pushed water through it with 1 tank off I was amazed at
how poorly the water flowed. some tubes partially blocked others totally! When your at speed the engine is generating the
most heat, looks as though this is too much for your radiator to dissapate. The rad shop also told me to go to a hotter thermostat, They said that
with the small radiator (frontal area) the water will spend more time in the radiator and returned to the engine a few deg. cooler. When I had the rad rebuilt
and changed the thermostat to a 195 deg, it has held even the A/C in heavy seattle traffic.

: Damn engine. I just changed the termostat to a 160 Mr Gasket high flow. It runs fine at lower speeds, but as it gets up in speed(i.e.65-80) it starts getting hot. Anyone got any suggestions? I know I need an aluminum radiator, but it wasn't doing this before I changed the termo. Bad thermostat? Too much water flow? It has the stock radiator and water pump. All suggestions would be greatful! Send email if ya want.

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