Glad to see one more Turkish here !!

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Posted by Comet76 (IP: on May 06, 2000 at 06:23:09:

In Reply to: frontend question: PST super kit or Mustangs Plus super starter kit posted by Kutsal Dogan on May 05, 2000 at 15:52:56:

: Hello everyone:
: I've been reading the messages on the board for about 6 months but this is my first message. I have a four door 1972 maverick. The car is located in Turkey:) I live and go to school in Florida though. Only time I can enjoy my Mav is one-month vacation during summer.
: My mav originally had a 250 CID 6-Cylinder engine in it. Now it has a
: V-8 that I believe is 289 with 225 HP off 1967 Mustang. Does this seem right?
: I got tons of useful information over the months that I followed the board. Thank you very much for great work.
: This summer I'm planning to overhaul the frontend ( possible rearend too)of my mav.
: I still have some questions even though I read the archieved messages regarding frontend restoration.
: I'm planning to get a kit from PST or Mustangs Plus.
: Would Mustangs Plus's super starter kit fit? If it does, what year should I order. I remember Craig Selvey buying a frontend kit from Canadian Mustang some time ago. He was gonna post a message about it, whether it fits or not. Did I miss that post?
: The homepage for the kit I'm talking about is:
: -My second choice and option is a PST polygraphite super kit. But I don't know what the diameters of sway bars are. Would someone tell me?
: -I also need center link for power steering. PST has it only for manual transmission? Do you know a place that I can get one?
: Thanks for now.
: Kuts

I am also from Turkey I live in Ankara, I have a 76 4 door Comet V8. Which city is the car located? or you? On the following link you can see my car's pictures. I took them on Bursa - Gemlik
See ya !

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