Pro jection with a Vortech???

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Posted by Cowboy (IP: on May 24, 2000 at 21:27:51:

For quite some time I have tried to think of a way to supercharge the 302
in my Mav, I thought about adding the factory port injection from a 5.0
but just the wiring harness seems expensive. Starting with a junkyard
EFI sends chills up my spine (lotsa sensitive stuff, you know..)
So here goes, has anyone ever tried to blow through a Holley Pro Jection??
Everything to mount the supercharger is available through Vortech. Would have
to switch to the 5.0 serpentine belt. A performance shop here in seattle
told me that the neck on the pro jection is the same as a standard holley carb.
It seems as though it should not be too much problem to do the plumbing from
the compressor. The projection claims to be able to support the fuel demands.
I have already run a return line to the tank, just have to connect it when the
time comes. I definately plan on doing the pro jection, just not sure if the
vortech will work.

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