Re: Will a Comet hood fit on a Maverick...??? n/m

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Posted by Comick (IP: on November 03, 1999 at 19:19:25:

In Reply to: Will a Comet hood fit on a Maverick...??? n/m posted by Jay..... on November 03, 1999 at 16:09:17:

Here's the deal from someone who has done it. It will fit the hinges, but the extra front triangular extension from the Comet hood will stick out too far. You can still do it, but you also need to replace the grill with a Comet Grill, Replace the Bumper Brackets, because the Comets Bumper sticks out about 2" more. You will also need to make sure you use the hood release to the Comet, the Maverick release probably won't fit. That little rubber piece that sits on top of the bumper will need to be switched over as well or it will not cover the extended difference. I have only done these on the 74 and later style front bumpers, I do not know how it would work on the smaller 69-73 bumpers.

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