Yea my brother is a bit ticked at me

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Posted by Mavdude (IP: on November 01, 1999 at 15:36:58:

In Reply to: mav trannys swap from a v8 to a I6 impossible! posted by Me and my big mouth on November 01, 1999 at 14:34:04:

: Help , the auto trans from the 8 won't set into the 6 , Swapped the bells and the converters were not removed from the engines. what to do?
: The tranny is about an inch from being stabbed all the way into the 6 but it wont go in to bolt up to the engine. Tried turning the driveshaft, wiggling , brut force, and still nothing gets it closer. swap drveshafts? drop the converter? scrap the project? or hey what's next?

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