WHAT!? No Santa...Next you'll tell me the Easter Buny's not real either ;-D n/m

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Posted by Ron S. (IP: on December 12, 2000 at 20:21:29:

In Reply to: "FREE" GRABBER HOOD! posted by Tom Laskowski on December 12, 2000 at 10:37:03:

: There is no such thing! and there's no Santa either! But Happy Holidays to All!Yes I know I pull this off every year about this time,I wish I had a "hit" meter to see how many of You all think that You were going to get a "FREE" Grabber hood!I mean no harm to anyone by doing this,most of You on the Board know Me or at least My name,if I could I would give everyone a Grabber Hood!I know they made less then 80,000 of them,not counting replacements.Yes there is after market fiberglass ones out there,I have never seen one.Anyone have one? How are they if You do? Bottom line how about You all fess up and say "YES" I fell for it!
: This is a Great Board with Great people,and lots of info! Lets keep it this way!
: Once again "HAPPY HOLIDAYS"
: Tom

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