Posted by Jay T ( on February 17, 2001 at 21:49:30:
In Reply to: Maverick sighting! posted by Shawn on February 17, 2001 at 14:59:54:
: I was flipping through the channels yesterday and low and behold I saw a Maverick in the move "Edward Scissorhands" Then today I saw what appered to be a '74 4 door at the mall. Keep in mind I'm in Michigan and the temp is 20 degrees out, it's amazing someone is still using it for there daily driver!
: Later,
: Shawn
Saw a nice one ont eh road today, but I'm in Florida so you could see alost ANYthing down here. And on COPS tonight, the "Stupid Ciminals" show, when they are in Kansas City, KS there's one that goes through the background. It's blue on the bottom half of the sides and white above. what would that be?