Posted by Mavdhde ( on February 20, 2001 at 12:50:03:
In Reply to: 302 or 289 ??? posted by Willy on February 20, 2001 at 09:49:44:
I don't wuite understand your wuestion. The 302 is a stroked 289 if my memory serves me. The 289 has a 4 inch bore and a 2.87 inch stroke. The 302 has a 4 inch bore and a 3 inch stroke.
The Engine for my 67 Mustang has the following specs. The Cougar would have had th same engine back in 1967. The C4 will fit either so it should not be a big deal.
Engine Size 289 cubic inches
Data Plate Code A
Horsepower 225@4800 rpm
Torque 305@3200 rpm
Firing Order 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8
Bore and Stroke 4.00X2.870 inches
Compression Ratio 9.8:1
Combustion Chamber 52.0-55.0 cc
Rocker Arm Ratio 1.60:1
Intake Valve Size 1.773"-1.783"
Exhaust Valve Size 1.442"-1.457"
Idle rpm(Manual) 600 w/o exhaust emissions, 625 rpm with exhaust emissions
Idle rpm(Auto) 525 w/o exhaust emissions, 550 rpm with exhasut emissions
Fast Idle rpm(Manual) 1,400 rpm
Fast Idle rpm(Auto) 1,600 rpm
Idle Manifold Vaccum 18 in/hg
Compression Pressure 130-170 psi
Initial Ignition Timing 6 for manual automatic, TDC for vehicles with Thermactor
Point Gap 017"
Dwell @ idle rpm 26-31
Number of Venturis 4
Float Setting 25/32"
Accelerator Pump 1/16"
Anti-stall Dashpot 1/8"
Choke Plate to Airhorn 1/16"
Choke Housing Setting Index
Fuel Pump Static Pres 4-6 psi
Spark Plug Type BF42
Gap 0.032-0.036 in
Oil Pressure 35-55 psi
Oil Pan Capacity 5 quarts
This is factory info and not based on any of my own testing. The Car is stored right now.