Posted by Steve-S ( on January 06, 2001 at 23:40:47:
It saddens me to do so but I just can't afford to keep it any longer. It just keeps needing work and I can't afford to keep it up. Particulars are in the Classifieds. I'm going to try and get some pics up tomorrow.
I'd like to thank all of you for all the help you've provided over the last year and a half that I've owned this car. Your assistance has been invaluable. Maybe someday I'll get a Mav in better condition or have more money to put into it and more room to work on it.
Best wishes to you all and to all your Mavs & Comets. Especially Alice. That car needs some good breaks after what that shyster did to her. Best of luck on that one.
PS. My Chiltons goes with the car unless new owner doesn't want it.