Posted by rickyracer ( on January 13, 2001 at 20:12:28:
In Reply to: Compression test results, non-Mav posted by Jerry P on January 12, 2001 at 21:48:18:
any Ford people are welcome here, and I think I speak for everyone. comp. min=100psi, max, 160psi. on a stock engine. No less then 25% diff. from lowest to highest. anything less then 100psi, bad rings, worn cyl. and cam getting weak.
: I know this isn't Mav related but it is still Ford. I have lots of useful info here and was hoping someone could get me an answer on this. I have an 82 Ford PU with a 400. It doesn't have as much power as I thought it might and am about to do a tune-up on it. I was also considering checking the compression since it has lots of miles. What should the compression by? I know it is also important that all the cylinders be relatively similar but what is the actual number they should be near?