Re: Maverick brake conversion - help!

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Posted by Earl ( on January 16, 2001 at 23:15:07:

In Reply to: Maverick brake conversion - help! posted by Joel Usher on January 16, 2001 at 22:42:10:

Joel; if the car has drum brakes, find a donor Maverick/Comet
or a Granada/Monarch. Get everything brake related, including
the pedal, firewall support, master cyl. prop valve, and the wheel
parts (rotors, calipers, spindles, lines,), and they will
bolt right on. This is the front. The rear brakes should be ok,
but if it is a 6cyl car, best to change the rear end to an
eight inch, if not already, and get the 5lug wheels and bigger
brakes. The message board has lots of info, and Charlie
Ping's web site has a lot of info also. Good luck,

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