Posted by Jim Glover ( on January 24, 2001 at 21:25:27:
In Reply to: Back from the jaws of death. posted by Arnold H. Lester Jr. on January 24, 2001 at 05:32:24:
: Hey Guy's. Sorry haven't been posting in so long, been home maybe two weeks from the hospital.Had pnuemonia,that then turned into a respitory infection and so on.I'm better, a little, now though.Had to sneek out of bed while my wife was sleeping to post this,don't tell.It kinda sucked spending X-mas and New Years in the hospital though, the food is terrible!One bad thing though, I'm now unemployed!Bastards worked me to near death and then let me go!Oh well, thats life I guess.They'll get there's one day.Really missed coming to the MMB, and my Grabber.My wife got to know the Grabber a little better, as I made her promise to drive around the block a couple times once a week!Will have to read all the posts since my little "vacation".Thing to remember,don't put a transmission in a panel truck in the middle of winter when the ground is VERY cold and WET!Especially when you don't have a lift to put it on and you have to lay on your back on said ground to do it.See y'all later,Arnie.
Sorry to hear of your illness and hope you have a speedy recovery. As far as the job goes, when that happened to me, I always looked at it like an opportunity for new experiences and probably a good thing too, despite the financial hardship. Just another way of looking at the situation.