Jeri, can you give us more info.............

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Posted by wm ( on January 26, 2001 at 13:51:32:

In Reply to: Help Me! May Need To Sell The Mav! posted by Jeri on January 25, 2001 at 16:37:23:

What engine are we talking about? 200, 250, 302?
When you say a grease spot on the exhaust pipe are you indicating that it is on the outside where it can be seen when you open the hood? If so, the source of the "grease" probably has nothing to do with needing a rebuild. It could be as simple as a leaking valve cover gasket. I'm a little suspicious!! Get another opinion possibly from a friend that knows a bit about cars. As stated before, if it idles smoothly and doesn't blow blue smoke it is probably OK. Good luck

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