Re: rear end q's??

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Posted by Chris S ( on January 03, 2001 at 20:16:27:

In Reply to: rear end q's?? posted by Jason on January 03, 2001 at 13:00:54:

: okay... i'm still on my little exhaust fringe but we can look past it.. now for the rear end. I want a posi. a 9" would be cool, but if i had to go 8.8" or 8" or whatever i'd be cool with that. What kind of rear ends will just bolt up (yes i know i already asked)?? would any? like something out of a 88 mustang maybe? what kind of mods would be needed? just wanting some opinions right now. Thanks again.
: Jason

the 9" from a versaille or granada is a bolt in, and they are easier to find than the early mustang rears. you will have to change the center section out if you want posi, that and the stock gearing that came in them wasnt what you would want for performance applications.

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